Baby POP3 Server Version 1.04 In the past I have done several projects related to e-mail (POP3/SMTP/IMAP4). One of the problems (at least in my company) is that there are never good test servers available. So that's why I decided to create this simple POP3 server, which doesn’t take many resources and supports most of the standard POP3 commands.
Key Features: Supports most RFC1939 POP3 commands Supports multiple POP3 user accounts Integration with Microsoft SMTP server Multi threaded It's free!
Configuration: To make this POP3 server useful you must also have a SMTP server installed. Microsoft's SMTP server from ISS will be fine (included with Windows NT/2000/XP). Usually this SMTP will have a mail drop folder were it will drop incoming messages. Microsoft's SMTP server uses c:\inetpub\mailroot\drop\ by default. This mail drop folder is the input folder for our POP3 server, so open the Settings dialog and set the mail folder. The time-out setting let's you specify the time-out value for receiving data. When clients become idle for too long the connection will be closed. In User Accounts you can Add/Edit and Delete user accounts. The admin account is default and can't be removed.
For a complete Mail Server solution (including SMTP, relaying and much more), please take a look at: Quick ‘n Easy Mail Server
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